The MIC inteox 7100i camera is an advanced PTZsurveillance platform based on an open operatingsystem, driven by OSSA, from Security and SafetyThings. With starlight imaging technology andexcellent low-light sensitivity, the camera is theperfect solution for robust and high-quality imagingneeds for mission-critical applications.The camera's ruggedized design meets customerexpectations in demanding environments that exceedthe capabilities of conventional IP cameras. Even ininstallations subject to harsh shock/vibrationconditions and/or extreme weather, the cameraprovides high-quality video images.
Intelligent open, flexible, and extendable cameraplatformThe camera has a powerful, embedded processor withdedicated hardware to support advanced machinelearning and neural-network-based Video Analytics.All cameras with this platform have high image quality,built-in Video Analytics, intelligent bitratemanagement, and the highest levels of data security.The platform also gives you the flexibility to customizeyour camera to your specific requirements.The camera platform integrates with the cloudinfrastructure of Security and Safety Things for appmanagement across devices.